Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What a few determined people can accomplish in a year - Year End Review!

We have a NEW Website and Blog

We want to connect with "You". Please help us become more helpful to you by taking our quick survey.


 Quick Survey Click Here

As the year end approaches, we would like to thank you for your support of the Center for Advancement in Cancer Education.  Because of your generosity, here are some of the highlights of our past year accomplishments: 

•    Provided  767 hours of individualized counseling to 213 cancer patients nationwide and abroad
•    Presented 51 cancer and nutrition lectures in 35 US cities across 10 states
•    Certified 24 health professionals through our Cancer Support Educator Certification Program
•    Keynoted at the 11th annual International Integrative Cancer  Conference in Dallas
•    Celebrated our 36th year of service
•    Qualified as a 2013 Top Rated Nonprofit through
•    Relocated our offices to Richboro, PA
•    Re-qualified for  a $120,000 online advertising grant from the Google Foundation
•    Were featured in the cover story of 87 editions of Natural Awakenings Magazine nationwide
•    Partnered with the Lower Bucks YMCA in a joint 5K run
•    Produced our fourth annual Beat Cancer Golf Open
•    Celebrated our anniversary with a gala concert in collaboration with World CafĂ© Live

With your help, here are some of our ambitious plans for the coming year:

•    Increase our phone counseling services by 75 additional patients annually
•    Present  monthly tele-seminars and webinars on nutritional and immune support
•    Provide more efficient and more frequent patient follow-up services
•    Improve our online technology capabilities to provide downloadable and archived information
•    Transform our health professional certification training to an online platform
•    Convert our publications to e-newsletters and e-magazines  -- again, please send your email address
•    Expand our college campus outreach initiative and student internship opportunities
•    Deliver Spanish programs to Latinos in Florida, California, Texas, Arizona, Colorado, & New York
•    Collaborate with more hospital community outreach programs

These projects will require additional staffing and funding.  You can help us grow by making a tax-deductible gift now, online at, by phone at 888-551-2223, or by mail to PO Box 48, Wynnewood, PA 19096.  Remember, when we help cancer patients, we charge no fee for service, receive no government funding, and get no insurance reimbursement.  We rely on your generosity! So please make your donation today! Thank you!

Susan Silberstein, PhD, Founder                                                                                               

Carl Wagner, CEO


  1. Carl, What a great accomplishment and I wish great success in reaching goals in 2014. I already have become a donor to CHOP especially in the field of Birth Deformities, Especially Goldenhar Syndrome, a very rare birth condition.
    You inspire me as in 2014 I wish to start bringing awareness,; education, and my experiences to this disease and all children with facial deformities. Its a life time disease psychologically as well as physical to most. I started a website which is infancy but I have the domain registered called standing for LIVE COMMITTED TO CIHRIST. I really . Another subject for another day. Keep up the great work! Steve

    1. Thank You so much Steve :-) I can not take any credit for what is already inside you. You are a good man and a great father. All the best to you in this new life path.
