Saturday, August 17, 2013

#BEATCANCER.ORG Our WHY: Cancer Success

We have a NEW Website and Blog

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The Center was established to bridge the gap between the shortcomings of conventional cancer therapies and those of the non-conventional world. On the one hand, unorthodox cancer centers are generally so concerned with being holistic or anti-establishment that often proper diagnostic tools and careful medical supervision are ignored; on the other hand, orthodox cancer centers are so concerned with tumor reduction that host resistance and quality of life are often sacrificed in the process.

The philosophy that guides us is host-oriented rather than tumor-oriented. As the failure of radiation and chemotherapy to cure most cancers has become more apparent in recent years, dozens of alternative cancer therapies have commanded increasing attention. However, when tumor reduction remains the primary goal, the results with alternative therapies have been inconsistent and often not much better than with conventional treatments. The programs which have produced the most consistent results are those which recognize the body as a self-healing mechanism by giving it the essential tools for immunocompetence and self-repair.

The Center's goals are two-fold: Our short-term goal is to provide individualized resources and referrals to help patients make informed decisions, participate in the wellness process, and improve the quality and longevity of their lives. Our long-term goal is to change, through professional education, the paradigm of oncologic care from a monolithic approach focusing on tumor destruction to an integrative approach focusing on biological repair.

Center for Advancement in Cancer Education is an educational organization and not a treatment center. The information we provide is intended neither to medically prescribe nor to replace the attention of qualified health care advisors. We never tell patients they should or should not take a particular therapy, and we never interfere in doctor-patient relationships.

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